Laura Powers
Colleen Niday portrayed Laura (a distant cousin)
Laura was an active volunteer in Carlisle and a hard worker. She operated several businesses in the area and was instrumental in the start of the Hot Lunch Program in Carlisle Schools. A friend, neighbor and generous person. She is remembered fondly.

Hugh Owens
Andrew Minear brought Hugh Owens to life. Born in Wales Hugh migrated to the United States and Iowa with his large family. Early settlers in this area, they led a difficult and interesting life. Hugh left a number of offspring and many descendants remain in the area today including the Keeneys, the Schoolers and the Wrights.
Wilda Stephens
In a delightful portrayal, Emily Osweiler brought a chuckle to the audience as she told the life story of Wilda Stephens. Wilda was a milliner. Unusual for a woman at that time, she owned a hat shop in Carlisle.
In the early 1900s ladies hats were very popular and outrageously large. Emily read several newspaper accounts of men complaining about not being able to see around the ladies in the church pews and theater productions. "I paid $10 for my tickets and I want to see, one man groused. " I paid $10 for this hat she replies, and I want to be seen!"

Edd Young
This elegant gentleman is Edd Young. Portrayed by Michael Stout-Martin, Edd Young was an early undertaker in Carlisle. He had a funeral home in the downtown area and later moved up under the water tower in his family home which still stands today. Edd was very active in many organizations and served grieving families with kindness and dignity.

Sergeant Donald Marsh
Narrator and guide, Mark Randleman watches as Andrew Minear portrays WWI casualty Donald Marsh. Letters from home illustrate the horror of the trenches and the longing for his family. Donald died overseas but was brought home with much pomp and circumstance to lie in his hometown cemetery.

Uncle Charlie Foulke
Sid Tyler accurately depicted Charles Foulke as he reminisced about his life and times. Charles ran a store on Main Street (Etc Graphics is there now) and engraved his name on the side of the building. It is there today if you know where to look.
Jesse Beezley
One of the first volunteers from Carlisle to die during the Civil War, Jesse tells the sad tale of his short years. Jesse's father was one of the first land owners in the county.
Portrayed by Jacob Mott, Jesse recounts marching off to war with Cap Randleman. They marched through old Dudley to the train line that ran through Runnells and then on to Mound City, Illinois. He was only 18. Jesse's actual burial location is unknown and it is possible that he was buried next to his father on the family farm which is now part of North Park.